Software Reqirement and Specification

03:20 Prashant Roy 0 Comments

Software Reqirement and Specification(SRS)

Software Reqirement:
In software requirement we are dealing with the requirements of the proposed system, which in term means the capabilities that the system which we developed, should delveloped, should have.
Software Specification:
Specification is a document that completely describes what that the proposed software should do without the describing how the softwre will do it.
Software Requirements and Specification(SRS):
SRS is a document which describes the compleate external behavior of proposed software system.
Why SRS?
In real world, most software system is the need of a client, who want to automate an existing manual system.The software system itself is created by the programmer. Finally the complete system will be used by the end there are three main peoples interested in a new system (a)the client, (b)the user and (c)the programmer or developer.
Here firstly the problem is that the client usually does not understand the software and the software development process, Secondly the developer oftain does not understand the clients problem and the application area. Due to this reason , a communication gap between the people involved in the development project. in this situation SRS acts as a bridge or link through which the clients and user needs are accurately specified. A good SRS should satisfy all the peoples.
Another the main reason to developing the SRS is helping the clients to understand their own needs.
Importance of SRS:
  1. A good SRS is satisfy all the peoples.
  2. SRS is the link through which the clients and users needs are accurately specified.
  3. By developing an SRS is helping the clients to understand their own needs.
  4. An SRS establishes the basis for legal acceptance between the client and the supplier on what the software product will do.
  5. An SRS provides a reference for validation of the final product.
  6. Ahigh quality SRS is a bisic important requirement of a high quality software.
  7. A high quality SRS reduces the development cost.
Properties of a good SRS:

1)Concise: The SRS document should be consice and unambiguous, consistent and complete.
2)Structured:It should be well structured. A well structured document is easy to understand and modify inorder to make the modifications to the SRS document easy.It is important to make the document well.
3)Black box View: This means the SRS document should specify the external behavior of the system and not discuss the implementation issues.
4)Conceptual Integrity:It should show conceptual integrity so that the reader can easily understand it.
5)Verifiable: All requests of the system as documented in the SRS document shoul be verifiable. This means that it should be possible to determine wether or not request have been not in implementation.

Structure of SRS:
software requirements and specification