Verification and validation in testing

07:17 Prashant Roy 0 Comments

Verification and Validation in Testing
software verification and validation

"variofication and validation (V&V) is the name given to checking process which assure that software to its specification and fullfill the needs of software customer."
The system should be verified and validates at each stage of the software processes using documents generated during the previous stage.
Verification and validation therefore begins with requirements review and moves forward through design and code review to product testing.
Difference between verification and validation:


     Verification consist of checking that the program act according to its specification.


     Validation consist of checking that the program as implemented meets the assumed of the software customer.
verification and validation

Techniques of  V&V:

To meet the aims of the v&v process, both static and dynamic techniques of system checking and analysis be used.
  • Static techniques:Static techniques consist of program inspections, analysis and formal verification.It can only check the interaction between a program and it specification ,they can't shows that the software is operationally useful.These techniques are more widely used.
  • Dynamic techniques:Dynamic techniques or tests consist of using exercising an implementation. 
software verification and validation techniques