Software test planning,strategy and types

03:55 Prashant Roy 0 Comments

Software Test Planning

System test planning:

System testing is very expensive.Half the system development budget may be spent on testing.Careful planning is required to control testing costs.
Test planning is related with forming standards for the testing process rather than explanning product tests.Test plans are not only the management documents.Test plan also gives us information to staff who are responsible for affirming that suitable hardware and software resources  are present to the testing team.
Test plan should consist of significant amounts of contigency so that slippages in design and implement may have no effect and staff assigned to testing can be used in other activities.

Testing Strategies

A testing stretegy is a general way to the testing process.Different testing strategy may be used according to the type of system to be tested and the development process used.The testing stretegies are as:
  • Unit testing
  • Top down testing:Top down testing where testing begins with the most abstract components and moves to end.
  • Regration Testing:It is the re-execution of some subset.
  • Bottom up testing:Where the testing starts with the basic components and moves to begining.
  • Thread testing:Which is used for systems with various processes where the processing of a transaction threads is path through these processes.
  • Smok Testing:It is commonly used when decrease fold together software products are being developed.
  • Stress Testing:Which depends on stressing the system by going beyond its stated limits and hence how well the system can cope up with overload situations.
Note:Large systems are normally tested using a combination of these testing straitegies rather than any single way.

Explanation of Types of Testing:

There are mainly three types of testing.which is listed below,
types of software testing

  1. Unit Testing:Unit testing give stress on verification of the smallest unit of software design i.e. the software component and module with the help of the component level design description as a guide,important controls path are tested to findout errors within the boundary of the module.The unit test is white box oriented and the step can be performed in parrellel for various components.The module interface is tested to affirms that information properly flows into and out of the program unit under test.
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       2)Integration Testing:Integration testing is a well organized technique for constructing the program structure. while at the same time performing tests to find out errors envolved with interfacing . The aim is to take unit tested components and build a program structure that has been stated by design.Acollection of errors are occured when complete program is tested as a whole.Correction is difficult because isolation of causes is difficult by the large expansion of complete program.Once the errors are corrected ,new once appear and the process continuous in a endless loop.Incremental integration is the contrast of the big bang way.The program is built and tested in small increments.As a result errors are simple to separate and correct.The interfaces are more likely to be tested completely and a organized test way may be tested.
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   3)System Testing:system testing is made up of the following steps:
  • Program Testing:A program shows the logical elements of a system.for a program to run comfortably,it must compile and test data correctly and combines in properly with other programs.Obtaining an error free program is the responsibility of the programmer.
  • String Testing:Programs are related to one another and communicate in a total system.Each program is tested to view whether it act according to related programs in the system.
  • System testing:System testing is designed to detect error that were not found in previous tests.This consist of forsed system failure and validation of the total system as it will be implemented by its users in operational environment.
  • System Documentation:All design and test documentation should be approved and inputed in the library for the future reference.The liabrary is the central place for maintainance of the new system.
  • Thread testing:Thread testing is a testing strategy which was derived for testing real time systems.It is an event based method where tests are according to the events which trigger system actions.Thread testing is a testing strategy which may be used after processes or objects have been separately tested and combined into sub-systems.
  • Stress testing:Stress testing executes a system in a way that requires resources in abnormal quantity,frequency or volume.
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ok friends i am discussing what is verification and validation in software construction in my next blog.